[ Vue.js ] 에러 - Error: You cannot call "get" on a collection with no paths. Instead, check the "length" property first to verify at least 1 path exists.
Vue.js 3 + bootstrap이 되지 않아 Vuetify를 설치하려고 하였다. 그러나,,,
Vue.js 3 - Vuetify 를 설치하던 와중 에러 발생.
Error: You cannot call "get" on a collection with no paths. Instead, check the "length" property first to verify at least 1 path exists.
at Collection.get (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@vue/cli/node_modules/jscodeshift/src/Collection.js:213:13)
at injectOptions (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@vue/cli/lib/util/codemods/injectOptions.js:15:6)
at runTransformation (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@vue/cli/node_modules/vue-codemod/dist/src/runTransformation.js:60:17)
at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/@vue/cli/lib/Generator.js:290:23
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at Generator.resolveFiles (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@vue/cli/lib/Generator.js:276:24)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
at async Generator.generate (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@vue/cli/lib/Generator.js:175:5)
at async runGenerator (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@vue/cli/lib/invoke.js:111:3)
at async invoke (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@vue/cli/lib/invoke.js:92:3)
이렇게 또 에러가 발생하였다.
예. 또 지원을 안합니다. (vue3 어따가 써먹냐)
다운그레이드(down grade)를 하던가 다른 css framework를 사용하던가 해야하는데, 뭐가 남았을까용?
tailwind는 되나 실행해보러 갑니다.
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Errors while doing vue add vuetify(vue3 preview)
I tried to start a vue3 project with vuecli, but when I add vuetify, errors occurred while everything is normal when used vue2. It says Error: You cannot call "get" on a collection with no
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